Get in front of the largest AI Careers audience!

Big Brain is one of the largest AI newsletters in the world & top AI newsletter on Beehiiv.

Here are some stats across our entire platform:

  • Open rate = 40.1%

  • Overall CTR = 5%

  • Ad CTR = 1.1%

(We strive to make sure all our advertisers have successful campaigns. Our pricing reflects a competitive CPC target of below $2)

Our audience are the innovators and thought leaders that are the heart of the tech industry.

Sponsorship Options

Please email [email protected] for full media kit

Our goal is to help you succeed. We offer a variety of sponsorship options:

1) Main Ad slot: Prime logo placement at top of email, full write up section after first main story of the day.Β [1 placement per edition, $500]

2) Unclassified Ad: Text only ads at the bottom of every email. Limited to 150 characters. Β [2 placements per edition, $200]

3) Sponsored Job: Have your job listing featured at the top of our AI jobs section in the email.Β [1 placement per edition, $250]

BONUS: Book in the next 2 months to also get a FREE placement at the top our AI jobs board.

4) Main Ad Package (4 pack): book 4 main ads at once for a 25% discount!

If you have a bigger budget and are interested in either a Full feature or Cross-platform blast, please email us at: [email protected]

Previous Sponsors

We drive results for our Sponsors!

Let us know if you have any other questions at the email above!